Happiness essay writing
Ielts Essay Topic On Education
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Teenage relationship free essay sample
Conceptual: Adolescence is a transitional phase of physical and mental human advancement that happens among youth and adulthood. This change includes natural (I. e. pubertal), social, and mental changes, however the organic or physiological ones are the least demanding to quantify equitably. Connections spread a wide scope of individuals including work partners, mentors, companions, family, sexual connections, living respectively and marriage. . Great connections can be extremely steady and upgrade our lives. Anyway most connections experience troublesome fixes and need the ability to settle. Relationship troubles can create or work up emotions that might be from the past †hurt, outrage, misery, uselessness, and so forth. This can be very terrifying and may make you fractious or pulled back. High school connections are basic in todays world. Youth is the most significant stage for adolescents to make their future bright and to become dependable residents in the public eye. It is additionally an age where most youngsters are pulled in to different connections. We will compose a custom article test on Young relationship or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Here and there this connections makes their life more joyful here and there this connections devastates them. Presentation: The connections that young people experience influence them in their future lives. These connections realize bliss, pity, and even sadness. Teenagers should attempt to manufacture solid, confiding involved with those near them. These will assist them with growing and to improve as a, balanced individual. Sound, future connections depend on the connections that a teenager encounters with family, companions, and the other gender. During immaturity numerous teenagers become removed from their families, particularly their folks. Investing energy with their companions turns out to be increasingly visit and is anomalous if this doesn't happen. Guardians should be there for their teen(s) whenever. To keep up a decent, cozy relationship guardians must form a relationship where their adolescent can feel great to come and converse with them about anything, positive or negative. This help and consolation is critical to a teenagers mental development. To guarantee that the relationship doesn't get broken and that it increases a sentiment of being agreeable, guardians and youngsters ought to know about every others emotions. This implies they should realize every others delights and what causes them torment. Guardians are the most significant good example in a youngsters life. A guardians conduct focuses on onto their kid and commonly guardians are unconscious of this. They should set a genuine model and show them what is good and bad. A guardians love and trust are the most noteworthy things that they can show their youngsters. Their affection and trust gives their adolescent regard and love for themselves. It is typical for there to be numerous contentions during this season of pre-adulthood among teenagers and their folks, the key is to have open correspondence and trust. A considerable lot of these contentions happen from rules about time limit, companions, and dating. Numerous adolescents are defiant during this time in their lives. At the point when a parent shows debilitation in their decision of mate, regularly the adolescent will in general date this individual just to disturb their folks. Guardians ought to be understanding and steady of their teenagers mate. At the point when a teenager chooses to bring their beau/sweetheart home to meet their folks they are mostly searching for acknowledgment. They should show enthusiasm for these connections yet should consistently make a point not to interfere. This may cause an awkward state between both parent and high schooler. While indicating interest a parent should ensure they know who their high schooler is dating, where they are going, and should never blame their adolescent for relating dating to sex. Sex is an exceptionally hard thing for guardians and youngsters to examine together. It is a passionate subject, and what is said or not said may influence an adolescents own encounters and mentalities. Guardians ought to advise their adolescents with the goal that they are sheltered, however they should likewise let them take on their own obligations and settle on their own choices. It is astute for guardians to permit their teen(s) to have a relationship. These encounters will enable their high schooler to create to comprehend themselves better and the other gender. Guardians ought to likewise be keen on the companions of their high schooler and become more acquainted with them. Companions are significant in a teenagers life. All through youth kids become less family-focused and more companion focused. Companions begin to have another and a lot bigger influence in their lives, and fellowships show significant exercises. Companionship assumes an enormous job in a youngsters life. Ordinarily these connections are more important than those with family or a sweetheart/sweetheart. Due to the numerous encounters of various kinships, a best friend(s) is generally picked up. This companion is an individual that the high schooler can trust and feels great to advise anything to. More often than not young ladies need a closest companion more than young men. Young ladies need somebody to share their most mystery considerations and sentiments. Base of the relationship: A solid relationship depends on mindful and regard. The two accomplices: †¢ Communicate transparently †¢ Trust each other †¢ Share choices †¢ Compromise when there is contradiction †¢ Take duty regarding their own activities. Components that influence young relationship: Kinship, Love, Dating, Premarital Sex, Going Steady, Marriage, Family, these are a portion of the issues that youngsters may confront when they grow up. The Teenage Love Relationship manages the relationship of adoration that exists between the adolescent gatherings. In schools the adolescents typically make companions effectively and hence there remains the opportunity for a little fellow/young lady to get handily engaged with a relationship. The adolescents for the most part don't consider the different angles that are related with the relationship of affection and along these lines will in general commit errors in regards to the picking of a sweetheart/beau. Adolescent is that period of life, when one attempts to find life and makes endeavors to unfurl the puzzles of life or one might say that a young person gets himself/herself caught in this perplexing world. A young person hence scans for a genuine companion, with whom he/she can share all his/her difficulties or needs a companion who might support him/her to adapt to the difficulties offered by life. Subsequently it tends to be deducted that the base of youngster love is kinship and frequently hero worship of companions prompts fascination. Love is in reality the perspective because of which sentiment finishes into a relationship. Love is something which can’t be resolved or estimated by anybody. Much of the time it has been seen that the high school love that doesn't endure forever yet it is said that the adoration that one encounters as a youngster encourages her/him pick the correct accomplice later on. The different elements that a young person should pay notice to before getting profoundly engaged with a relationship are: * See to the way that he/she pays notice to your issues and discovers satisfaction in your accomplishments. * Look in to the way that your sweetheart/beau regards your choices and suppositions. * Pay regard to the way that whether he/she puts forth the attempt to invest energy with you. Does he/she. . . ? Become desirous of your different connections? ? Call, text, or email various occasions during a day? ? Expect a prompt call or text back? ? Frequently settle on the choices of where to go, what to do, and when? ? Request that you invest the greater part of your energy with them? ? Call you names or undermine you? ? Frequently condemn your appearance? ? Hit, kick, punch, push, or genuinely hurt you when theyare irate? ? Regularly have irate upheavals? ? Reprimand you for their issues and conduct? ? Treat you pleasantly out in the open, however disparage and hurt you in private? ? Become effortlessly incensed or bothered? ? Irreverence your folks? ? Request a selective connections? ? Condemn your loved ones? ? Cause you to do things you are not open to doing? ? Tail you? ? Assault or ridicule your convictions and conclusions? ? Disparage or joke about you within the sight of others? ? Require sex in any structure from you? Do you. . . ? Want to consistently protect yourself ? ? Need to give a bookkeeping of your time when you are away from him/her? ? Need to request that authorization accomplish something that does exclude him/her? ? Feel scared of him/her? ? Feel that you can't do a portion of the exercises you once did on the grounds that he/she doesn't need you to? ? Feel your considerations, conclusions, and emotions are not being thought of? ? Rationalize his/her conduct? Perceiving these admonition signs is simply the initial phase in expelling from a dangerous relationship. Make the following move to be totally sheltered. Nobody can do only it. It involves decision. Impacts of a sentimental relationship on scholarly execution of secondary school understudies: Young individuals invest quite a bit of their energy considering, discussing, and being in sentimental connections. *Having a sentimental relationship propels, or motivates most people on their undertakings. *Classroom grades are a substantial proportion of the student’s scholastic execution. Advancement of scholastic inspiration in bookkeeping understudies is a significant objective to accomplish as a result of its clear impact on improving the craving to learn, just as for students’ viable school working. Love is a feeling of solid fondness and individual connection. In philosophical setting, love is a prudence speaking to all of human thoughtfulness, empathy, and friendship. Most adolescents have just experienced having connections. At this stage, they are effectively pulled in with their other gender. Constructive outcomes (examines) * fill in as a motivation to get a high levels. * propel understudy. * cause a young person to feel increasingly fun, vivacious and progressively fiery. ? Negative effects†¦ (Studies) * consume their brains. * burn through the majority of their t
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
To what extent has Henry VIIs success as the first of the Tudor Essay
What exactly degree has Henry VIIs accomplishment as the first of the Tudor Monarchs been misrepresented - Essay Example This was appeared in his profitable utilization of the chamber framework for cash matters during his â€Å"personal rule†from 1503-1509, which Edward IV (1471-1483) presented already. Moreover, we discover issue in Christine Carpenter’s perception that Henry â€Å"became ruler under preferred conditions over any other††in light of the fact that the nation itself was battered and wounded from the long and strenuous Wars of the Roses. The above issues are only a portion of the contentions that make Henry VII’s asserted achievement dubious and misrepresented. Be that as it may, so as to go to a decisive and moderately adjusted situation with respect to how overstated Henry’s achievement has been, it is basic to audit a portion of the historiographical proof accessible to us from contemporary and cutting edge accounts. For what reason would anybody need to misshape or overstate Henry’s achievement? Normally the appropriate response can be discovered installed in issues concerning support, sweet talk and the conspicuous certainty that couple of people would wish to chance their lives in causing the ruler to seem oblivious or uncouth. First of all, I can without much of a stretch comprehend what Michael Sittow’s picture of Henry in 1505 was attempting to delineate. Sittow passed on a man that is luxuriously dressed (indicating his transcendent Tudor identification) with the black out nearness of what appears to be a slight, hesitant grin. Here, we first experience the embellishment in quite a while of his physical appearance. In the event that Sittow’s representation were totally exact, for example, at that point for what reason would Pietro Torrigiano’s form be so altogether different? As Dawson expressed, they are so curiously unmistakable from one another that the latter’s Henry â€Å"could be an alternate man.†Torrigiano utilized higher cheekbones and a more drawn out nose, which, almost certainly, adjusted to take after the â€Å"high Roman fashion†reflected in Shakespeare’s own, Antony and Cleopatra. Clearly, the stone worker intended to make an oppressive, unequivocal and telling figure.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Napster vs. Music :: essays research papers
Napster is an internet exchanging program that permits clients to investigate another people hard-drive so as to exchange music. â€Å"Napster and comparable programming gives clients a technique for looking through a huge number of different clients PCs to share a great many top notch music, music that is put away in the packed .mp3 format.†(Internet). Music of the mainstream craftsman is exchanged through the Internet at no expense. As it were as opposed to following through on showcase cost for music clients of Napster get the music for nothing. Napster has caused significant contention all through the music business. â€Å" The account Industry relationship of America is suing Napster, asserting it permits clients to make illicit duplicates of the copyrighted tunes. It is looking for an order against the administration and harms for lost income from a large number of melodies it says were pilfered through tapsters program (Internet). So one must glance at the inquiry, are programs like Napster unlawful or does the program really have some legitimacy. There are a few people against the utilization of projects like Napster. The band Metallica documented the principal government suit against Napster. The band is suing the organization for copyright encroachment and racketeering. Lars Ulrich, the band drummer says; †Napster commandeered our music without inquiring. They never searched out authorization. Out index of music just opened up as free downloads on the Napster system†(Internet). Metallica is suing Napster and has blamed Napster for copyright encroachment and racketeering. The Metallica groups just as different gatherings accept that Napster has cost them much cash. They don't trust it is reasonable that individuals can go in and download their music for nothing as opposed to paying for it. The drummer proposed that the music merchants were quitters utilizing high innovation for down and out robbery (Metallica). These days on needs to consider the cash issues. These issues are what make Napster terrible. Napster h as been blamed for unlawful acts since it provides copyrighted music. As indicated by a CNN article†web music discusses plays our on capital hill†The development of online music administrations and utilities, for example, Napster has caused alert among many record names and craftsman, who care that the webpage are places for music robbery that denies them of hoops and eminences. Metallica drummer Eulrich said†each time a Napster fan downloads a tune, it takes cash from our pockets of every one of these individuals from the innovative network.
School Law and Renewable Energy Technologies Free Essays
Recommended ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY THESIS STATEMENTS POWER AND THE INDIVIDUAL/SOCIETY 1-Same sex relationships ought to be authorized. 2-Same sex relationships ought not be authorized. 3-The creation and offer of cigarettes ought to be unlawful. We will compose a custom article test on School: Law and Renewable Energy Technologies or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now 4-The creation and offer of cigarettes ought not be unlawful. 5-Military assistance ought to be obligatory. 6-Military help ought not be mandatory. Force AND NATIONS 1-Religion is the primary driver of wars. 2-Religion doesn't cause wars. 3-Turkey should boycott exchange with China. 4-Turkey ought not boycott exchange with China. †The most impressive country on Earth is __________. Force AND LAW ENFORCEMENT 1-Gambling ought to be sanctioned. 2-Gambling ought not be legitimized. 3-Juvenile wrongdoers ought to be attempted and rebuffed as grown-ups. 4-Juvenile guilty parties ought not be attempted and rebuffed as grown-ups. 5-Law implementation cameras are an attack of protection. 6-Law implementation cameras are not an intrusion of protection. 7-Convicted sex wrongdoers ought to be uncovered. 8-Convicted sex guilty parties ought not be uncovered. 9-Sex guilty parties ought to be mutilated. 10-Sex guilty parties ought not be maimed. 1-Intellectual property ought to be secured unde r the law. 12-Intellectual property ought not be ensured under the law. 13-Current protected innovation rights laws contrarily sway the improvement of new advances. Force AND THE MEDIA 1-The Turkish media is one-sided. 2-The Turkish media isn't one-sided. 3-File sharing projects ought to be restricted. 4-File sharing projects ought not be restricted. 5-Social systems administration destinations are a danger to individual protection. 6-Social systems administration destinations are not a danger to individual protection. 7-The administration should edit Internet content that is esteemed wrong. †The legislature ought not edit Internet content. 9-Advertisements are useful. 10-Advertisements are manipulative. 11-Censorship is a danger to majority rule government. 12-Censorship is an unquestionable requirement. Force AND THE ENVIRONMENT 1-Recycling ought to be compulsory. 2-Recycling ought not be compulsory. 3-Governments should order the move to biofuels. 4-Governments ought not ord er the move to biofuels. 5-Pesticides ought to be utilized in farming. 6-Pesticides ought not be utilized in farming. 7-Governments should bolster reasonable horticulture. †Governments ought not bolster manageable agribusiness. 9-Renewable vitality advancements (wind vitality, hydroelectricity, biomass, and sun powered force) ought to be invigorated by governments. 10-Renewable vitality innovations (wind vitality, hydroelectricity, biomass, and sunlight based force) ought not be animated by governments. Force AND EDUCATION 1-Creationism/development ought to be instructed in schools. 2-Creationism/development ought not be instructed in schools. 3-Religious instruction ought to be required. 4-Religious training ought to be discretionary. 5-Foreign language guidance should start in kindergarten. †Foreign language guidance ought not start in kindergarten. 7-Sex instruction ought to be remembered for the optional training educational plan. 8-Sex instruction ought not be remembe red for the optional training educational plan. 9-Homeschooling is a superior choice to state funded schools. 10-Public schools are a superior choice to self-teaching. 11-School regalia ought to be compulsory. 12-School garbs ought not be compulsory. The accompanying points are prohibited!!! atomic force plants globalization a dangerous atmospheric devation creature testing capital punishment killing web enslavement hereditarily adjusted living beings [pic] Step by step instructions to refer to School: Law and Renewable Energy Technologies, Essay models
Friday, August 21, 2020
Changing Lives Essay
I have consistently seen life in an unexpected way. There were times when individuals would act distinctively towards me, for I acted maturely for my age. In many cases, I was vocal about how I needed to complete my instruction with the goal that I would have the option to satisfy my fantasies further. For everyone’s advantage, I might want to seek after a degree in Biology. At a youthful age, my mom presented me to this present reality. She was a medical attendant in one of the emergency clinics, and more often than not she would oblige the necessities of patients. Like any inquisitive kid, I would pose her inquiries about her calling, making me progressively slanted into the field of medication as I became more seasoned. I could state that my mom was my main thrust in my fantasy about turning into a doctor sometime in the not so distant future. My mom would reliably show me medication and the emergency treatment that I need, if I need assistance. In school, I generally demonstrated my assurance and steadiness to prevail throughout everyday life. I would consistently put forth a valiant effort, even in the littlest prerequisite regarded from understudies. However much as could reasonably be expected, I needed things to go as arranged. Difficult work and commitment were by all account not the only factors that I took as a top priority. I was guided by my supplications and my will to be of administration to other people. As such, I needed to ensure that everything was in appropriate request and that I am not venturing nor harming anybody all the while. I recollect the multiple occasions that my mom carried me to work with her. Indeed, even at a youthful age, she fulfilled my interest by permitting me to aid her work. In secondary school, my mom at long last permitted me to chip in their emergency clinic, particularly in obliging the requirements of patients. This sort of introduction made me more decided than any time in recent memory to be of administration to those deprived as a doctor. My life was rarely an ideal one. Despite the fact that my brain was set into turning into a fruitful doctor, there were sure things in life that prompted this choice. My mom was of Mexican-American genealogy; and Mexico was the place she completed her training. In her endeavor to carry herself to grater statures, she moved to the United States. The hardships that she suffered when she was all the while beginning were hard to tolerate. Notwithstanding, she ignored these and proceeded to satisfy her fantasy. Presently, she is a medical attendant and winning a steady activity in the United States. Like my mom, I was roused to try sincerely and connect holes by becoming wildly successful in the United States. The sort of instruction that the University of California would give me would go to further my potential benefit in my endeavor to go to clinical school. I discovered that the foundation has delivered various abilities that have been effective in their picked field, and having any kind of effect in the lives of others. Like them, I would need to fill in as a motivation and have the option to break hindrances in the field of medication. I would utilize the preparation and the information that your school would offer me to make further looks into that could be utilized in the headways and change of society. I additionally need to rouse others from the clinical field to render administration from their heart, and not on account of the check that might be get. I realize that the encounters that I had in life were insufficient for me to be acknowledged in your college. Like different understudies who have gave testimony regarding the commendable execution of this foundation, I would put forth a valiant effort to satisfy the Mission-Vision, which is summarized in becoming wildly successful and helping other people. As one of the understudies, everything I can offer is my commitment and will to have any kind of effect in the public eye. I am one stage forward in arriving at my objectives in life †and it begins with my acknowledgment at the University of California.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Likelihood mit_hopefulgirl asks, I was wondering if MIT actually sends out likely admit letters for RD applicants before the actual deadline? I know some other top colleges do. For those of you not up to speed on what a likely letter is, you should check out this Wall Street Journal article from two years ago. In increasing numbers, colleges are wooing their top choices with notes of praise and hints of acceptance letters and scholarship money to come. The idea is to win their affections by getting them some good news before the competition does. This courtship, which can take place up to several months before formal acceptance letters hit students mailboxes, comes in various forms: everything from likely letters which tell students that theyre likely to get admitted to love letters, or handwritten notes from admissions offices complimenting a students essay or some other aspect of the application. The short answer, mit_hopefulgirl, is MIT doesnt send these likely letters. One reason why likely letters arent a part of our process is that our process differs from many of the schools who employ them. At MIT, we read and summarize the applications over the course of a number of weeks, and we dont admit anyone until all of the reading is done and we come together as a committee. At some other schools, some admitting is done on the spot when the admissions officer sees a clear admit come across his or her desk, they can admit the student right then and there. The problem is that admissions offers for these schools wont be sent out for a long time, sometimes months. A regular action applicant at one school might be reviewed and admitted in the beginning of January, but the formal decision might not go out until April. So, in a sense, I can understand the urge to not have people wait. In the WSJ article, Dartmouth Dean of Admissions Karl Furstenberg is quoted as saying, We do these letters to try to introduce some humanity into the pressured admissions proce ss. Another reason we dont have any early notification is that MIT does its notification pretty early anyway. Last year, I believe our regular action letters were mailed on Pi Day. I dont know when well mail this year yet, but it will be sometime in the middle of March, probably a good two weeks before the Ivies. I think its a good thing that we can finish our admissions decisions in mid-March to give students more time before the May 1 reply deadline to be able to make their college decision (I know I needed every last day to make my decision). I do think these likely letters, though, in addition to the stress they can relieve, also can add a bit of stress to the process. Why not straight-out admit the student rather than send a potentially confusing letter telling someone theyll probably be admitted (probably? why not definitely? what would have to happen to not get admitted?)? And what of the students who dont get likely letters? I wonder if these schools that send likely letters might be better served by going to a Rolling Admissions model. This is the model used a number of schools, including at the only other college Im aware of that has an admissions officer blog, Loyola Marymount University you can read about their Rolling Admissions in the January 3 entry in Chris blog. Anyway, for those of you applying to schools that use likely letters, I hope you get one in your mailbox. And for those of you applying to MIT, I wish you the all best for getting our big envelope in March.
Monday, June 22, 2020
The Future of E-Pharmacy and E-Prescription - 16500 Words
The Future of E-Pharmacy and E-Prescription in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Dissertation Sample) Content: The Future of E-Pharmacy and E-Prescription in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia A ThesisPresented to In Partial FulfillmentOf the Requirements for the DegreeMaster of Business Administration(MBA)BySaud Salem BawazeerSeptember 2013I declare that all material included in this project is the end result of my own work and that due acknowledgment has been given in the bibliography and references to all sources be they printed, electronic or personal. Signed: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________ Saud Bawazeer (2013)AcknowledgmentsI would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to a number of individuals without whom my dream to obtain a master degree would have been aborted such as my father Al-Shaikh Salem Bawazeer, My mother Al-S, my brother Sami Bawazeer and my great friend Jiashan Li and .I am eternally grateful to you all and will never be able to repay you for all you have done to help me make my commitment a reality.AbstractElectroni c pharmacy (e-pharmacy) is a positive development strategy that ought to be embraced and marketed. Broadly, this study sought to explore the future of e-pharmacy in Saudi Arabia (SA) in light of the prevailing marketing environment. Specifically, the study sought to: first examine the extent to which the electronic pharmacy has been beneficial both to the customers and suppliers in areas where they have been implemented. Second ascertain the advantages and disadvantages of electronic pharmacy. Third assess the extent to which Saudi Arabia prepared for e-prescription and e-pharmacy in Saudi Arabia; and fourth Make recommendations on whether Electronic-prescription (e-prescription) and e-pharmacy should be adopted in Saudi Arabia. Secondary sources, interviews and survey were used to address the research questions. The study indicates that the business benefits of electronic pharmacy to the supplier and customer is as a result of decrease in the cost of operations. This is explained by the fact that electronic pharmacy results into improved process efficiency enhanced catalogue management and also decreased operational expenses. The study further points out that electronic pharmacy leads to market growth through the decrease of geographic hurdles as well as developed customer service delivery. It points out that one of the merits of e-pharmacy is that it results into an improvement of patient safety and quality of care, it is legible and reduces errors resulting from translation and protects against prescription alteration. Moreover it indicates that the method is able to track an appropriate usage of the medication as well as has the ability to create current medication lists with report generations. The limitations of this electronic system included high cost of buying and installing the system, increased time compared to paper prescription and inability to prescribe controlled substances electronically which is a potential source for a new set of errors in an electronic environment. The findings indicate myriads of merits that accrue from e-pharmacy and e-prescription practices , which could equally be harnessed by Saudi Arabia.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-6" Acknowledgments PAGEREF _Toc235711119 \h vAbstract PAGEREF _Toc235711120 \h vCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc235711121 \h 11.1 Background Information PAGEREF _Toc235711122 \h 21.1.1 E-prescription. PAGEREF _Toc235711123 \h 31.1.2 Internet pharmacy PAGEREF _Toc235711124 \h 41.1.3 E-pharmacy. PAGEREF _Toc235711125 \h 51.2 Problem Statement PAGEREF _Toc235711126 \h 61.4 Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc235711127 \h 71.4 Justification and Relevance of the Study PAGEREF _Toc235711128 \h 81.5 Scope and Delimitations of the Study PAGEREF _Toc235711129 \h 91.6 Organization of the Study PAGEREF _Toc235711130 \h 9CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW PAGEREF _Toc235711131 \h 102.1 Conceptual and Theoretical Framework of Electronic Pharmacy PAGEREF _Toc235711132 \h 102.2 Conceptual Framework PAGEREF _Toc235711133 \h 102.2.1 Electronic prescription PAGEREF _Toc235711134 \h 102.2.2 Internet Pharmacy PAGEREF _Toc235711135 \h 112.2.3 Formulary PAGEREF _Toc235711136 \h 122.2.4 Formulary Management PAGEREF _Toc235711137 \h 122.3 Theoretical Framework PAGEREF _Toc235711138 \h 132.3.1 Selective exposure theory PAGEREF _Toc235711139 \h 132.3.2 Technology adoption lifecycle model PAGEREF _Toc235711140 \h 132.4 Review of the Studies and Literatures PAGEREF _Toc235711141 \h 142.4.1 Determinants of consumer choice PAGEREF _Toc235711142 \h 152.4.2 Environmental Factors Necessary for SuccessfulE-Prescription and E-Pharmacy System PAGEREF _Toc235711143 \h 152.4.3 The Studies and Literatures on E-Pharmacy PAGEREF _Toc235711144 \h 172.3.4 E-pharmacy in Saudi Arabia PAGEREF _Toc235711145 \h 252.3.5 Review of an Empirical Study on the E-Pharmacy in Saudi Arabia PAGEREF _Toc235711146 \h 252.4 The Research Gap PAGEREF _Toc235711147 \h 26CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY PAGEREF _Toc235711148 \h 283.1 Research Purpose PAGEREF _Toc235711149 \h 283.2 Theoretical Approach PAGEREF _Toc235711150 \h 293.3 Methodological Approach PAGEREF _Toc235711151 \h 303.4 Research Strategy PAGEREF _Toc235711152 \h 313.5 Sampling PAGEREF _Toc235711153 \h 323.5.1 Defining the study target population PAGEREF _Toc235711154 \h 323.5.2 Choosing sampling technique PAGEREF _Toc235711155 \h 333.5.3 Measurements of constructs PAGEREF _Toc235711156 \h 343.6 Pilot Study PAGEREF _Toc235711157 \h 353.7 Data Collection PAGEREF _Toc235711158 \h 363.8 Data Analysis PAGEREF _Toc235711159 \h 373.9 Ethics PAGEREF _Toc235711160 \h 373.10 Study Limitations PAGEREF _Toc235711161 \h 383.11 Summary PAGEREF _Toc235711162 \h 39CHAPTER FOUR: FINDINGS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS PAGEREF _Toc235711163 \h 404. 1 Research question 1 and 2: Findings, Analysis and Discussions PAGEREF _Toc235711164 \h 414.1.1 Benefits of electronic pharmacy to the supplier and customer PAGEREF _Toc235711165 \h 414.1.1.1 Benefits to the supplier. PAGEREF _Toc235711166 \h 414.1.1.2 Benefits to the customer PAGEREF _Toc235711167 \h 424.1.2 Survey Findings and Analysis PAGEREF _Toc235711168 \h 434.1.3 Discussions PAGEREF _Toc235711169 \h 494.2 Research Question 3: Findings and Analysis PAGEREF _Toc235711170 \h 514.2.1 Interview findings. PAGEREF _Toc235711171 \h 554.2.2 Discussions PAGEREF _Toc235711172 \h 56Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc235711173 \h 57LIST OF REFERENCES PAGEREF _Toc235711174 \h 61APPENDIX 1: SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE PAGEREF _Toc235711175 \h 70BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGEREF _Toc235711177 \h 72List of Tables TOC \c "Table" Table 1: The results of the respondents to the question if the patients safety was higher in elect ronic pharmacy as compared to other techniques. PAGEREF _Toc235725912 \h 48List of Figures TOC \c "Figure" Figure 1: The percentage of the respondents awareness of electronic pharmacy. PAGEREF _Toc235725924 \h 44Figure 2: A pie chart indicating the respondents results when they were asked if they do practice electronic prescribing PAGEREF _Toc235725925 \h 45Figure 3: A bar graph showing the percentages of response to the question if Saudi Arabia needs electronic pharmacy PAGEREF _Toc235725926 \h 47 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONThe use electronic pharmacy for medical purposes has been introduced and adopted by some of the countries across the world, such as North America, Europe, and United Kingdom (Terri et al., 2011). In these countries, the electronic pharmacy solutions such as electronic prescription, internet pharmacy and e- pharmacy services have been offered by pharmacies and have now become commonplace services (Kierkgaar, 2013). The e-pharmacy has been ben eficial and cost effective in terms of expenditure. In e-pharmacy there is wide range of benefits which includes: providing to the pharmacists or medical practitioners a safely and effective methods of managing the medication of the patients and the relevant records. As opposed to the manual way of handwritten prescriptions which could get lost and has got difficulty in retrieving the information regarding the patients medication including drug plans .The prescribers will have enough time to access the eligibility of the information to the patients drugs plan by selecting the medication for the patient and to avoid cost in making unnecessary phone calls inquiring on the progress of the patient. On the side of the patients, it provides safety and quality medication since there is o oral miscommunication as in the case of the handwritten prescription. The patient is also able to save on the cost of phone calling and travelling to pharmacist in order to be prescribed new drugs, or want ed to give update regarding the condition, in this case the information to the pharmacists will be electronically transmitted thereby cutting down the expenses to patients.Even though e-prescribing has got benefits, it also has got some limitations, for example, the cost of purchasing, maintenance and installation of software can be expensive especially to starting ups pharmacists (Kierkgaard, 2013). This can be further worsened to those pharmacists in report areas may fail to get a profit from it .As common with many electronic devices, there could be erroneous alerts to the patient which is very dangerous in the medication programs of the ...
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